Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I have been agonizing for months that Noah was not talking on time. I have talked to lots of friends and family about this and they made me feel better. I heard from a lot of people that boys just take a little longer to talk. But still there is always that small part in the back of my mind that worried that Noah would have some sort of speech problems. But thank goodness I am not so worried anymore! :) He started saying "car" yesterday. I realize now that he has been talking for about a week, I was just waiting for the words to be really clear and perfect. His first true words were "all gone". He also says "oh no", "done", "bye", and Toby swears he said "dog" this morning. He tries to repeat what we are saying. Yesterday he was trying to say "banana", but that one will take some work. I understood him, but I am sure everyone else would just think it was gibberish. I feel this overwhelming sense of relief. He is saying something new everyday. It took him a while, but now he is talking all the time!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I am so hoping that 2009 will be better than 2008. 2008 brought very little happiness and a whole lot of pain. From Noah and Toby having surgery (surgeries in Toby's case) to problems with Toby's family and having to deal with the situation at work and trying to get pregnant again and losing friends (if they were ever truly friends to begin with). I am exhausted. I am hoping that it is now our turn to have some good luck this year. I always say that things don't have to be great, just normal. That is again my hope for this new year, to have a year of normal. Toby will be having another surgery in March, hopefully everything will go okay and it will be his last. We have been worrying about how to survive the summer without the help of my student loans, and then we got a small piece of an inheritance that will allow us to breathe a little easier. So things are looking up, I just hope they stay there. I wish a happy new year for all of you and your families. I hope 2009 is the best yet!