Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My dearest Noah

I meant to write you this letter last week on your birthday, but with all of the craziness the day slipped away before I could get my thoughts down. You have taught me so much in your short three years. You have shown me how much love I have. It is more than I ever thought possible. We tried so hard for so long just to have you. When you entered our world with all of the trials and tribulations that you had, you changed us, me especially. I knew that I was a strong person, but I had no idea how strong I was until I had you. I also learned that I don't always have to be the strong one, sometimes it is okay to lean on those around you. And that's what I did. Your daddy was my rock and I leaned on him. I let go of feeling like I had to be strong all the time, and let myself show my emotions and my vulnerability. When everything happened with my job and staying home with you, you taught me that it is okay to not have everything planned out. Sometimes it is okay to just roll with what life deals you. You taught me that I don't have to have a classroom to be a teacher. You showed me that my classroom is the backyard, and the grocery store, and the car. You taught me to enjoy the little things. You taught me to enjoy life and not worry so much about what anyone else thinks. You taught me to enjoy every second and make it memorable. Whether we are running through the sprinklers in our best clothes or jamming out to your favorite Barney song in the car, every moment is special. You have challenged me to be better and you have tested me sometimes beyond what I thought possible. You love the way only a child does, completely and wonderfully. You love your family and friends. I love seeing the relationship you are building with your sister. You love to make her laugh, and you are always there to comfort her when she needs it. You make me laugh everyday. You are the funniest guy I know. I love watching you and the way you look at the world and find the humor in it. I love that you always want to make sure everyone around you is happy. And if they are not, I love that you are always ready to offer a hug to make them happy. You have a kind heart and a loving soul. I feel blessed to be your mommy. I cannot wait to see what your future holds. I can't wait to have more adventures with you. I love you more than words can say. You are my sweet, loving Noah Bear. I love you more each and every day!

Love always,

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